Monday, 25 June 2012

Blue Monday

By last night all 4 of us were feeling full of a cold. I feel like at least one of us is ill most of the time lately. Horrid!

As a result there is not much of interest to tell or show you today!

I made a start on packaging my brooches, rescued a snapped flower from the garden and made drink after drink for all of us (in between sneezing and being driven mad by my runny nose!).


  1. Your brooches look really great. I know how you feel about being ill all the time, we seem to have constant colds here. Hope your all feeling better soon xx

  2. Hi there, thanks for visiting me. Really lovely to 'meet' you! Look forward to catching up on your blog, Jxx

  3. I totally want a bear brooch! Hope you all feel better today. We've also just had a round of everyone being ill. At least it's a good excuse to get comfy on the sofa :-) x

  4. Nothing beats a little bit of show even if you have nothing to tell - I do hope you all feel better soon. There is noting worse then a Summer cold.

    take care,

    Nina x

    1. I agree, a summer cold is horrid! Especially in this humid heat... x

  5. It's crap having a cold in Summer. You have my sympathy.

    1. It really is a proper full on cold! I am not a happy girl!
