Sunday, 22 July 2012

Cheered Up

Sunday night and things are looking better than a few days ago. Still the odd thing/person causing a bit of grief but I shall rise above!

We have played out, rescued balls from roofs, made fun bracelets and finished an order for an owl lover.

We are just about to settle down to an episode of Big Love with a cup of tea. How is it that sitting down when all the chores are done seems to get later and later every night?!

4 more days of school and lots to fit in but I have a much more positive frame of mind to confront it with. Phew!


  1. The sun has got his hat on 'hip, hip, hip horray!'

    Four days 'phew' - I hope you have chance to enjoy a little bit of calm and achieve all the things on your list.

    Happy holidays,

    Nina xxx

  2. Hooray, glad you are feeling cheerier :-) x

  3. I love it when the house is calm, everything is done and I can sit and relax! Bliss, yes it does get later and later sometimes! Ada :)

    1. I know! My 2 are getting to the stage where bedtimes are not early anymore...Eeeek! I like my child free evenings! Xx

  4. Thanks for your comments over my way- really good you are brighter. I need a bit of child free time too- I often think about when the bed times get later- what will we do!! Jxx

    1. Oh I know! Maybe we will have to go to bed before them and hide in our rooms! X

  5. Those tiny flags are just so clever! Are you selling them (or the cookiecards, the brilliant ones with faces?) already somewhere online btw? Etsy? Love the fabric in the first pic as well!
    Nice to hear that things are looking better and brighter, keep up the sun :)

  6. Glad your feeling cheerier. Our evenings seem to get shorter too, struggle to get the kids to bed as early now. I think the light evenings don't help (not that I'm complaining) I need to get some black out blinds! Hey does that mean last day before summer hols today? Xx

    1. One more pick up from school and then that's it! Yippee! Xx
