Friday, 4 January 2013


So it is the last day of the holidays and the children's rooms are BAD! They are a tip and I hate it and have to try VERY hard not to nag them to keep it tidy every day. So I make a deal with them and myself, they have to tidy it once a week. That day is here! And while they are at it they can write their thank you notes too. :)

I like the lounge (70's I know but that is what we called it when I was little) to be nice when I sit down at night. I light candles and plump cushions and feel better. I wish wholeheartedly that I was more chilled and I do try, but for me, relaxation only properly happens when I know the house is clean. Silly isn't it?

I hope you are all coping with the back to work/school weekend feeling. Today is the last day of the Christmas Radio Times so it must be time to get back to normal!


  1. Sounds like our house, stuff and mess everywhere! Tree just taken down so now to tackle the rest!
    Enjoy the weekend before everything is back to normal!

  2. I'm not going in little Beas room until Sunday, then we will tackle it together! I can't relax in a room until its tidy too! :) x

  3. Same here ... decorations coming down on Sunday ... so I will be cleaning like mad next week ... I love a clean house ... so much easier to relax when everything is tidy ... Bee xx

  4. Nick, you are so like me! I am bordering on obsessive compulsive about our lounge being just so at the end of the day, I just can't relax otherwise. And as I work from home, nothing starts until all the rooms are tidy in the morning, I must waste so much time picking up the same old things each day but hey, it makes for a chilled mama! Happy weekend, hope it's a good one x

  5. That's a brilliant wardrobe ladder by the way.... ;)

  6. Yes a weekend of de-Christmasing and thank you notes and it's back to work we go. Still got lots of chocolate to work through though :)

  7. Oh I hear ya! Husband took Dolly's school holidays off too so my little routine is out the window. We undecorated yesterday now just to clean... Sigh! Pine needles to add to the mess!! I love my family to bits but can't wait to see the back of them on Monday ;)

  8. It's just the same in this house Nick! Since we had a new sofa I find myself starting to tell the kids not to sit so untidyly on it - I like at least one room to look ok! Their bedrooms are a disgrace though, and today is tidy up day! (they don't know it yet!) x

  9. Same here too Nick! Both kid's rooms are shocking, you can hardly see the floor for toys and clothes. They are too small to do it themselves so on Monday morning, when they are at school and nursery, I will strip beds, tidy, dust, vacuum, empty bins and feel much better about everything afterwards.

    Gillian x

    ps. We always called it the lounge when i was little too - definitely a 70s thing!
