Friday, 29 March 2013


This is how I have been painting lately.....
The heating isn't broken but I find sitting still for hours at a time makes me freeeeze!
The sun was warm today but that wind was still pretty chilly. Come on Spring!!

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Them 2 (plus Morten)

Thought I would share a couple of pictures of the kids I took tonight. I don't know why but we always seem to take photographs in the same place, in front of the yellow cupboards!

We made our Easter nests today, some people don't like them made with Shredded Wheat but I am a bit addicted to them. It's something about the dense crunchiness!
I didn't notice at the time but Morten has sneaked in shot!

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Nearly Easter

So a few little chicks have appeared.......they are waiting for the Easter branch!
Luckily for me, my mum braved the thorns and chopped me some lovely branches today.
I am going to decorate it while we watch the football. First I have to go back out into the arctic world we now live in to collect Soren from training. Football....OUTSIDE!!! AND in the school holidays!!

In other news some little faces have appeared on our tangerines and Maisy has dyed her hair a lovely chestnut shade. The teen years are approaching rapidly!

Thursday, 21 March 2013


I have just finished an order for a 40th birthday. Done and delivered! I have another one to start but the client has some serious specifics that I need to get my head round so I have been putting it off. Tomorrow......

Thought I would also show you my new brooch which I can't tell you much about as it was a gift. It is ceramic and very delicate, I love it!

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Our Weekend in Pictures

🔹Football in the rain and LOTS of mud.
🔹Sleepy Morten
🔹Bread and butter pudding
🔹A haircut for the boy
🔹Work - painting bicycles for a mad keen cyclist's picture
🔹Fried egg and bacon sandwiches
🔹Sunday night means school bags out
🔹The boy doing science experiments with milk and food colouring
🔹Horrid ironing pile

Hope you had a good weekend xx

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Sweet Relief

Tomorrow my friend Emma and I are having a cake sale for Comic Relief.....we have been busy!
I have just sat down after taking a very gooey chocolate loaf out of the oven and thought I would post this quick picture. Fingers crossed we raise plenty for this worthy cause. Xx

Friday, 8 March 2013

One Boy and his Mum

I received my Mother's Day gift from Soren this morning. He had been out and about early and bought me some plants but didn't know where to hide them, so I got them today!

Here he is dressed as Mike TV for World Book Day. Soren, you drive me mad but I don't half love you!

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Weekend Cooking

I don't know about you but during the week our kitchen resembles a cafe. Everyone needs to eat at different times, early because of football, late because of band. Sometimes I'm tired and can only face making myself a bowl of cereal after I have sorted everything else out. Lazy I know!

I am usual trying to diet/not be greedy on weekdays too so when the weekend comes around I can cook something a bit more ambitious than Shredded Wheat.

So here we have Delia's Twice Baked Roquefort Soufflés and Nigella's Italian Apple Cake.
(Sorry about the dark picture!)

Tonight we have had a take away, followed by Walls Vienetta. Classy and retro!