Sunday, 23 September 2012


Not a great deal going on here except sleepy children and pets, bad colds and tiny cutting out.

And.....I think the boy might let me cut his hair later! Please don't let him change his mind!


  1. We've all just had our hair cut, perhaps now we will stop bumping into each other! Ada :)

  2. Ah, sweet Morten! Good luck with the hair cut - sometimes it can be trying here!

  3. Colds and runny noses here, too. Boo. Maisie's Orla hoodie looks lovely. Love those pine cones. x

  4. Hope you are all feeling better soon ... love the picture of Morten chilling out ... he is one lucky pooch ... good luck with the haircut ... I used to have to cut my eldest little boy's hair when he was little as he had a very traumatic experience with an over zealous lady barber ... I thought it would scar him for life ... thankfully he has overcome his fear and no longer looks like he has had his hair cut with a bowl on his head :) ... Bee xx

  5. Norton has got the most gorgeous doggy coat ever! I would kill for curls like that! Looks like he gets his head hair straightened!

  6. Ah those lovely curls!(your son I mean!) I see Morten's making good use of the couch! what a sweetie, have a good week, Heather x

  7. My son has only had one haircut and it took about 2 weeks from start to finish. He is not a fan of cutting or washing hair! Good thing he didn't end up with my head of crazy hair :-) x
